
Showing posts from 2016

January 16th 2017 lesson

Dear students, Today you will prepare for your final presentations on either January 23rd or January 30th. You will be solo and you should speak for a minimum of five minutes. Your slides should be clear and support your speech, which should also be clear, well written, and easy for your audience to understand. If you research your topic well, and include a component of critical thinking, you will do better than otherwise. Please choose one topic from below: Endangered Species Religion American Politics Narrow your focus. Research well. Make your slides and prepare your speech. Kind regards, Chris Elvin

December 12th lesson

Dear students, Today you will present about Christmas. Presentation 5 Feedback Form Read Feedback Here Kind regards, Chris Elvin

December 5th lesson

Dear students, Today you will prepare for your fifth presentation, Christmas. Since you are all talking about the same topic, you should try to research and write about something slightly different from the other groups. What could you present that would be different and interesting, too? Here is a list of questions about Christmas that today's group may or may not want you to use: Christmas Questions Kind regards, Chris Elvin

November 28th lesson

Dear students, Today, period 1 students will present about social issues, and period 2 students will present about ceremonies. Presentation 4 Feedback Form Read Feedback Here Kind regards, Chris Elvin

November 21st lesson

Dear students, First of all, I would like to talk about last week's test. If you didn't know already, copying from the Internet is considered as an act of plagiarism and is not normally allowed in an academic setting. Even one sentence is considered too much - unless you cite your source. Changing one or two words in a sentence but keeping the structure the same is also not a good thing to do either. I hope you all know about plagiarism for future reference. Today, period 1 students will discuss society, and period 2 students will talk about ceremonies. Here is a list of questions period 1 students may want to ask each other. Please choose a topic from the list below: questions about society Kind regards, Chris Elvin

November 14th lesson

Dear students, Today is your mid-term test. You will be given a choice of three broad topics. Choose one of these topics, and narrow your focus. Then write a question as your presentation title. You should answer your question by first drawing a map, and then either drawing a storyboard of your slides with notes, or writing an essay. Kind regards, Chris Elvin

November 7th lesson

Dear students, Today period 1 students will present about education. You should talk for at least three minutes per person, show at least three slides each, make sure you have much eye contact, and include an element of critical thinking in you speeches. Period 2 students will talk about communication. Your groups and topics were chosen the previous week, so if you were absent, you should find out which group you are in and what topic you will present about. Each person should speak for at least three minutes and show a minimum of five slides. After you have finished, please post your slides to the private blog. Your other presentations from this semester should also be posted to the private blog. Feedback Form 3 Read Feedback Here Kind regards, Chris Elvin

November 1st class

Dear students, Today, period 1 students will discuss about education. Please use the questions below as instructed by your fellow students. Questions about education Period 2 studenst will prepare to present about communication. Kind regards, Chris Elvin

October 24th lesson

Dear students, Today you will present about Halloween in groups of about three people. Each person should speak for at least three minutes. Your focus today is on presenting interesting and informative slides about Halloween. However, since everyone is presenting on the same topic, you should try to be a little bit different from everyone else. Before you present, please let me check your slides. Please provide feedback to your fellow students by clicking on the link below: Halloween Presentation Feedback After you have presented, as usual, please post your file to the private blog. Read Feedback Here Kind regards, Chris Elvin

October 17th class

Dear students, Today you will prepare to present about Halloween according to instructions given to you by your fellow classmates. Kind regards, Chris Elvin

Read feedback about your presentations here

Dear students, You may read feedback from your fellow students by clicking on the link below: Read feedback about your presentations Kind regards, Chris Elvin

Presentation Feedback Form

Dear students, Please use the link below to give feedback to your fellow students. Presentation Feedback Form Kind regards, Chris Elvin

October 10th class

Dear students, Today Period 1 students will present about fashion or design. You should talk for at least three minutes per person. The minimum slide requirement per person is five slides, grammar and eye contact are important, and you may read from a script. Today Period 2 students will present about education. Each student should speak for at least three minutes and the minimum slide requirement per person is five. You should use eye contact and gestures, and your audience should hopefully find your presentation interesting. You may bring a script but you should not read nor rely on it too much. Kind regards, Chris Elvin

October 3rd class

Dear students, Today is a preparation day for the P1 presentation which you will deliver on October 10th. Period 1 students will talk about fashion, so if you have class at 9 a.m, please download the print below: fashion and design group talk print Period 2 students will talk about education. There is nothing to download for this class. Kind regards, Chris Elvin

September 26th lesson

Dear students, Welcome back to Digital Presentation. Today is an important lesson as regards the rest of the semester, because you will have a say on what you will be doing. There are two basic plans: either follow the teacher's plan, which may mean less preparation for you, or have student groups decide the schedule, which may mean more thinking and preparation for you, but also more control of the content. Which would you prefer? The teacher's plan: Five of the following will be your presentation theme. The class may choose which five. Each presentation will be worth 10 points. (You will also have a mid-term, and a final presentation). 1) Communication 2) Education 3) Environment 4) Fashion and Design 5) Gender 6) Globalisation 7) Human Rights 8) Language 9) Media 10) Society 11) Technology 12) Our planet Earth The assessment criteria will be the same as usual: Content new interesting researched critical thinking Delivery sufficient eye contact ...

July 18th lesson

Dear students, Today is your final presentation assignment, which is worth twenty points. You should speak for between five and six minutes. Your teacher will select students at random, so everyone should be ready today even though there is not enough time for all to deliver a presentation. (Failure to be ready on this day will incur penalty points). For details of the assessment criteria, see the July 11th post. After you have finished, please upload your presentation to the private blog. Kind regards, Chris Elvin

July 11th lesson

Dear students, Today, you will prepare for your final presentation on July 18th and July 25th. This presentation is worth 20 points which will be awarded for satisfying the following criteria: Content new interesting researched critical thinking Delivery sufficient eye contact number and quality of slides English expressions length (between 5 and 6 minutes) The topic for class 1 is food. The topic for class 2 is movies.

July 4th lesson

Dear students, Today you will deliver your fifth in-class presentation assignment by persuading the class that your opinion about one of the social issues topics is the correct one. These presentations will be in front of the class, like usual. You will be assessed on content and delivery. Please remember to speak to your audience using regular eye contact. Your speech should be new, interesting, well-researched, contain elements of critical thinking, and you should speak for at least three minutes, have clear, well-organized slides, and use English correctly. Please provide feedback to your classmates using the form below Feedback form 5 Kind regards, Chris Elvin

June 27th lesson

Dear students, Last week you gave several objective group presentations about one of the questions of the social issues survey. Today, you and your group will try to persuade the class that your opinion of one of the questions on the social issues survey is the correct one. First of all, you will be grouped with like-minded people (see below). Period 1 Period 2 In groups of two or three, choose an issue that you all agree about (from the social issues survey). Then plan your presentation. 1) Introduce your topic. 2) Give reasons for why you believe your opinion is the correct one. 3) Give reasons why others may disagree with you, but argue that those reasons are not good ones. 4) Summarize your opinion by reminding the class of your reasons. This presentation will be delivered to the rest of the class. You may use graphs, images, data, or anything you like to express your opinion, and your group should show at least ten slides. Kind regards,...

June 20th lesson

Dear students, Today you will continue with your social issues survey. You should make a presentation on your cell phone which includes a graph. (You will not be presenting in front of the class, so you should make sure that your presentation file can be viewed on your cell phone). You will present to several pairs of students today. 1) Introduce your question explaining why you chose that question. 2) Show your graph and explain it. 3) Give reasons why some students agreed with the question. 4) Give reasons why others disagreed with the question. 5) Summarize with a personal comment about your class responses to your question. When you have finished, upload your file to the private blog. Kind regards, Chris Elvin

June 13th lesson

Dear students, Today, students who could not have time to present last week will deliver their mid-term presentations. After that, you will participate in a class online survey about social issues. There are thirty-eight questions in the survey. After you have finished, view the responses spreadsheet, choose one of the questions with your partner and make a graph of the results. Interview each student about why she answered "agree" or "disagree". Then make a presentation, which should include a graph, and explanations of the opinions of the students in the class. This presentation should be group to group, so you can practice presenting many times. (You will need to download a graph software application, such as "Graph" in order to make your digital chart). Social Issues Survey (click on me) After you have answered the survey, you may review the responses here: Social Issues Survey Responses Also, if you are not familiar with the class equi...

June 6th lesson

Dear students, Today you will deliver  your mid-term presentations. You will be assessed on content and delivery, so please make sure to give an interesting talk, and communicate with your audience by using regular eye contact. After you have finished, please post your digital files to the private blog. Kind regards, Chris Elvin

May 30th lesson

Dear students, Today you will finish off your book presentations. Please provide feedback, as usual, to your fellow students, using the book presentation feedback form . After that, you will all prepare a solo three-minute presentation on a country in the world. It should be at least three minutes long. You will be assessed on content (your information, and how it is organized), and delivery (length of speech, posture, and most importantly - eye contact). You will deliver these mid-term presentations on June 6th. Kind regards, Chris Elvin

May 23rd lesson

Dear students, Today you will prepare and present about a book with your partner or partners. You should speak for at least three minutes per person. Those who are unable to present today may present the following week. Please provide feedback to your fellow students via the book feedback form , and after you have finished, upload your file to the private blog. Kind regards, Chris Elvin

May 16th lesson

Dear students, Today you will finish doing your movie presentations. After that you will start preparing a presentation about a book. After you have presented, you should upload your file to the private blog. You should also provide feedback to your fellow students using the movie feedback form . Kind regards, Chris Elvin P.S. Please talk for three minutes per person, and use slides! The audience expects to see something as part of your talk.

Feedback Responses

movie feedback responses

Feedback Form for Movie Presentaions

Dear students, Please use the form below to give feedback to your fellow classmates. You should write the name of the speaker in the textbox to make sure that she can read your comments. For example; Dear Yuki, (movie; Harry Potter), I really liked your presentation because ... You can give feedback in Japanese if you prefer. movie feedback form Kind regards, Chris Elvin

May 9th lesson

Dear students, Today you will give your presentation about a movie in groups of three. Your presentation will have an introduction, which includes why you chose your movie, and also introduce your three sub-topics: the story, and two other points of interest. After you have talked for about three minutes for each of your sub-topics, you should conclude with a short summary and an opinion. For this presentation, you may use pic collage, or another presentation application software such as powerpoint or keynote. Kind regards, Chris Elvin

April 25th lesson

Dear students, Your homework is to upload the interview of your partner to the private blog. The subject of your email should be your name. The text should be your partner`s name. Your movie file should be your attachment. Today you will have a student led activity, and then you will download and use pic collage. Kind regards, Chris Elvin

Monday 18th April class

Dear students, Today you will continue with your self-introductions. When this exercise is finished, we will move on to do interviews. Kind regards, Chris Elvin

Welcome to digital presentation 2016

Dear students, Welcome to digital presentation 1. Your homework for today is to record a one minute self-introduction of yourself and upload it to the private blog via email. (see course outline for the email address) Good luck! Chris Elvin


Dear students, You have now completed digital presentation. If you have been punctual, worked hard all semester, and delivered six presentations including your final one, then you should earn a good grade. Good luck! Chris Elvin